
FEB 01 2022

Words Atop a Small Dam

This water

        wheedling its way

                though the wickets of a weir,



        not stopping,

                into the black pool,

will drip madden,

        trickle sooth,

                or be left, ignored.

Sites in Use

While looking through the site of French graphic designer Inès Davodeau, we inadvertently had a Jeff Mills album on. It had never occurred to us that electronic music production and graphic design were really sibling arts, as both are wrought from an insane sensitivity of detail (if one is as good as both Davodeau and Mills are). Obviously it seems that this could be said of any of the arts — painting, film, etc. But there is just such an admirably nitpicky obsessiveness particular to house/techno producers and graphic/typographic designers — those that love kerning characters and de-cluttering frequency space are just in a league of their own… Not to mention both have baselines/basslines. 🙃️

Transmission Gallery


Frankenstein Magazine

Graphic Design


& Design



Follow Selections:



Shops on Cargo

Offbrand Library


An offering of pieces and projects from around the web.

Elizabeth Bishop, The Map, 1946
Jane Campion, Passionless Moments, 1983
Generation Loss at the Julia Stoschek Collection, 2017
Atom Egoyan, Calendar, 1993
Dan Walsh at Paula Cooper Gallery, 2021


At the beginning of each week, we draw a single Tarot card and consult the I Ching. The Tarot card represents the person (you, me, us). The I Ching reading speaks to the nature of the scenario that you, me, us will face throughout the week. Think of it as protagonist (tarot) and plot or theme (I Ching). It is our opinion that neither the I Ching nor the Tarot are tools of prediction, but rather a mechanism to aid in self reflection.
        Before reading further, we recommend you collect your thoughts regarding the state of affairs inside your head as well as what you are involved with externally. Take precise stock of your emotional temperature and your goals for the week. The more preparation and detail, the better the results. 

So, of both the Tarot and the I Ching, we asked the following: for the coming week, what is the best advice for the engaged and sincere person?

We don’t consider ourselves at all religious (nor necessarily lax or cut-off in any way) but we do desire a richer and more consistent rapport with the mysteriousness of all this energy and varied stuffs — whether grand, small, distanced, ordinary or what have you… So this week we asked if there was any specific advice to maintaining and continually developing a personal spirituality. The answer received couldn’t be more obvious or more canny. A rich personal spirituality is to be found in meditation… Haha adoi… Of course, meditation. For the uninitiated meditating is neither arcanely magical nor necessarily relaxing, nor complicated. It is taking time away from the fray to sit and listen, to yourself and the world.

Also for the uninitiated, here are two links; the first is a lovely exposition of a basic type of meditation by Shinzen Young, the other is a guided meditation to perform during an actual meditation session. For the second link, just hit “play” when you are seated, alone, isolated and comfortable — then just follow the ‘instructions.’ If you are already a seasoned meditator, these are valuable links none the less:

"Do Nothing" Meditation — Shinzen Young
Guided Meditation — Joseph Goldstein

This week we pulled the The Hanged Man; it is one of the most mysterious cards in the whole of the deck. Our best and most concise interpretation would be: to see the world properly, you must see it reversed. To further this a bit more — we see this card as an exaltation of meditation. When one meditates seriously, they are reversing the world; instead of being quick and fighting, one is quiet and listening. Instead of ignoring, or falsely embroidering reality, one just faces it. 
        Our first hexagram this week is #29, The Abysmal (Water). The lovely (and we think wholly misinterpreted) Terence McKenna said something very relevant and in line with the meaning of this hexagram: “Don’t worry. You don’t know enough to worry… Who do you think you are that you should worry, for crying out loud? It’s a total waste of time. It presupposes such a knowledge of the situation that it is in fact a form of hubris.” Now from the I Ching: “the hexagram is intended to designate an objective situation to which one must become accustomed, not a subjective attitude. For danger due to a subjective attitude means either foolhardiness or guile. Hence too a ravine is used to symbolize danger, as it is a situation in which a person is in the same pass as water in a ravine, and, like the water, they can escape if they behave correctly.” In other words, don’t worry, be thorough, but keep moving. There were two changes this week, of which the specific notes are: don’t assimilate darkness but keep it at a distance and dangerous times are not good for great ambitions.