
JAN 11 2022

We don’t really come in contact with the world. Activities like seeing and touching are proxies rather than something that could strictly be called actual. As well, the information that enters our heads is incomplete and hardly pure. It is sorted, gathered, and shaped by a survival-biased pattern recognition mechanism (utilizing shorthand object substitution systems).

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Since neither seeing a “duck” nor saying “duck” nor thinking of a “duck” is the same thing — none is fully reality. The same is true when we see, say or think “3:30 PM” or “frog” or “nighttime.” Ultimately, information for humans consists of versions, not a single experience. Things are further complicated in that these differing types of seeing, saying and thinking vary from individual to individual — our pattern recognizers are unique.

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Working together then, is not a matter of sharing a reality but attempting to share a reality. This can be done in two ways: mutually hiding out in a willful fantasy (which is super common) or struggling for intimate overlap of individual experience (much riskier, thus less common). The former is easy and dominates our world (it is simple to see in political affiliations, news preferences, company credos, all manner of beliefs, etc.). The latter, intimate comparison of errors and versions, is dangerous, though it is likely the only decent way.

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The measure of collaboration is vulnerability.

Sites in Use

Continuing in spirit from the above text, photography is not reality, it is a medium of interpretation, a version of reality and something unto itself (pixels, paper, light projection or whatever specific form the “photography” takes). To be a photographer and know this, that is, not to believe that photography is a mirror of reality but a kind of question in and of itself is perhaps to be a great photographer — it is certainly a main ingredient. Maximilian Koppernock is definitely of the latter sort. His images are so charged with this unstable but compelling tension, that it is often wonderfully difficult to tell if his subject is terrifying or lovely.

Najmi Arifin

Studio Jonathan Schreiber

Proyecto Hemen

Graphic Design


& Design



Follow Selections:



Shops on Cargo

Gargoyle Print Skirt
Bazaar Archive

Good Sport 05
Good Sport Magazine

Almanac of suspension
Witty Books

RetroFit Sneaker

Landi Chair


An offering of pieces and projects from around the web.

W.B. Yeats, The Circus Animals’ Desertion, 1939
Yuri Ancarani, Spy, 2021
Interview with Inge Grognard, 2021
Rose Wylie Exhibition at Serpentine Gallery, 2017
Rafaël Rozendaal Exhibition at Site Gallery, 2021


At the beginning of each week, we draw a single Tarot card and consult the I Ching. The Tarot card represents the person (you, me, us). The I Ching reading speaks to the nature of the scenario that you, me, us will face throughout the week. Think of it as protagonist (tarot) and plot or theme (I Ching). It is our opinion that neither the I Ching nor the Tarot are tools of prediction, but rather a mechanism to aid in self reflection.
        Before reading further, we recommend you collect your thoughts regarding the state of affairs inside your head as well as what you are involved with externally. Take precise stock of your emotional temperature and your goals for the week. The more preparation and detail, the better the results. 

So, of both the Tarot and the I Ching, we asked the following: for the coming week, what is the best advice for the engaged and sincere person?

All serious, long-term endeavors (life itself being one) are like journeys across wooded valleys; that is, much time is spent in the darkness under a forest canopy — with goals obscured by immediate surroundings. To keep the faith or what have you, it seems best that every step be considered as part of the goal. NO REALLY, a high goal or object is needed to start anything but as soon as possible it should be reoriented from its lofty place to a more humble, constantly nutritive location. Realism is important here; resources must continually be checked, maintained with delight and meted out properly. Fundamentally “achievement” should neither be the end nor the true goal — a modest, poetic, hale and hearty personage, or crew, on a continually fulfilling journey is the goal.

This week we pulled the Ace of Cups. Ace cards in the tarot are the exemplars of a particular suite (whether Cups, Wands, Swords or Pentacles) — that is, they point to the purist version of a suite’s symbolism. Since here we have the Ace of Cups there is an intimation to consider our emotions and intuitions. Something this period is significantly tied to our deep feelings (as opposed to impersonal external facts). Be honest about what is going on in your emotional life.
        Our first hexagram this week is #36, Darkening of the Light. “In adversity it furthers one to be persevering.” “In a time of darkness it is essential to be cautious and reserved.” “In social intercourse one should not try to be all–knowing. One should let many things pass, without being duped.” There was one change in our hexagram this week, of which the specific notes are: be cautious about sharing inmost intentions, keep your light strong but private.  
        Our second hexagram, the one that suggests how best to meet the challenges (or the changes) is #63, After Completion. When a goal has reached its zenith there are only two options: reverting to a lesser degree or maitaining the apogee. “The transition from the old to the new time is already accomplished. In principle, everything stands systematized, and it is only in regard to details that success is still to be achieved. In respect to this, however, we must be careful to maintain the right attitude. Everything proceeds as if of its own accord, and this can all too easily tempt us to relax and let thing take their course without troubling over details. Such indifference is the root of all evil. Symptoms of decay are bound to be the result.” Ultimately: the road to success (of course) needs much precaution but success itself needs the taking of much precaution as well (to remain successful). Prepare for your success!!! (Triumph does not take care of itself.)