
FEB 16, 2021

A street lamp lights up a very large tree, probably a Beech. Elsewhere it is mostly dark except for a straight, sparse rhythm of other street lamps and the occasional doubling of a light in yellow brown puddles. At the end of a low concrete wall, at the farthest reach of the tree, is parked a sedan. It is incomparably beautiful. It is blue but is as close to being black as possible; the paint has vague iridescence. The windows of the car are the same color as the sky. There is a finish on the paint that makes the leftover rain form into neat, bulbous droplets. Little wisps of steam rise as if from miniature bongs as the heat of the engine converts the liquid to gas. There is an aura around the car that possibilities are finite, specific and very unstable.

The engine is idling deep, low, and healthily; the sound of night insects add a rhythm to the sonorous gurgle. On the steering wheel rest two, delicate, tattooed hands. On the right is a tragedy mask and the left a comedy mask. It seems that they are intended to be metallic. They are both crying; the “comedy mask” does not seem like it is having a better time than the tragedy one. They were done so that they appear upright to the driver. The tip of the littlest finger of the left hand is missing and healed. On the passenger seat is a bag of a deep green color.

On the other side of the concrete barrier, about 10 feet down there is a pair of mourning doves. They are darting nervous glances, and pecking at gravel and what looks like broken compact disc pieces. Behind them, on the wall, is some sort of spray painted writing. It’s hard to tell what it says as the pale blue letters were gone over in a pale pink. Maybe “mel” or “meb”?

Image: Mike Kelley

Save the date!

Printed Matter’s Virtual Art Book Fair opens in less than two weeks: February 24 — 28. This year’s fair is 100% virtual and 100% built on Cargo!

(Also of note, if you become a member of Printed Matter before Wednesday February 24, you’ll receive a free year of Cargo. 😉)


When perusing the site of the now defunct Portuguese-based Studio Degrau, the phrase “a voice from elsewhere” kept popping up in our head. This is not related to the Blanchot book but toward a general feeling of a certain design, work with an absolute, impersonal resolve — quintessential exponents being like Massimo Vignelli or Margaret Calvert. Work where colors are “color” and fonts are delivered to designers from a hand of some much more stable beyond. Very clear and very beautiful. Adeus Degrau!


Roger Schami 

Brodie Kaman

Dave Haverkort






Follow Selections:


Mask CCC_019
Guillaume Kashima

Against the Sun

LUMIN Journal 3

Proyectos Tyrone
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An offering of pieces and projects from around the web.

Sherrie Levine Interview, 1985
Sherrie Levine at the Whitney
Man Ray & Sherrie Levine Exhibition Catalogue, 2015
Sherrie Levine at Paula Cooper Gallery
Sherrie Levine Exhibition Catalogue, 1988


At the beginning of each week, we draw a single Tarot card and consult the I Ching. The Tarot card represents the person (you, me, us). The I Ching reading speaks to the nature of the scenario that you, me, us will face throughout the week. Think of it as protagonist (tarot) and plot or theme (I Ching). It is our opinion that neither the I Ching nor the Tarot are tools of prediction, but rather a mechanism to aid in self reflection.
        Before reading further, we recommend you collect your thoughts regarding the state of affairs inside your head as well as what you are involved with externally. Take precise stock of your emotional temperature and your goals for the week. The more preparation and detail, the better the results. 

So, of both the Tarot and the I Ching, we asked the following: for the coming week, what is the best advice for the engaged and sincere person?

Petite Reading
        This period, forgive everything without qualification, keep a low profile and toward the end of the week perform an activity way outside of what is normal for you. And try not to think about any of it too much. 

Complete Reading
        This week we pulled the King of Wands, reversed. In the upright position the card indicates the presence of fiery ambition — reversed, the zeal becomes quixotic. Watch for a lack of realism (at worst hubris) as relates your goals this period.
        Our first hexagram this week is #40, Deliverance. There were three changes in our hexagram, so perhaps forecast variation in mood or plot this period. To move forward setbacks and errors have to be forgiven. A light mood is encouraged in all serious matters. “However, when failings come to light, they do not dwell on them; they simply pass over mistakes, the unintentional transgressions, just as thunder dies away. They forgive misdeeds, the intentional transgressions, just as water washes everything clean.” Specific notes regarding the changes: “One recuperates in peace and keeps still.” “If one devotes themself wholeheartedly to the task of deliverance, they develop so much inner strength from their rectitude.” Basically, keep to yourself for awhile.
        Our second hexagram, the one that suggests how best to meet the challenges (or the changes) is #51, The Arousing (Shock, Thunder). The earth is a shocking place though it is only an actual shock that gets one to realize this. We, like most bodies, prefer rhythm to variance; repetition can be blinding to all outside that rhythm. Since one can’t count on encountering a random shock, perhaps put yourself in shock’s way this period — at the end of the week consider an activity squarely outside your comfort zone (psychedelics, a visit to a completely unknown place, contact a remote relation, pull the car over impulsively and walk away from that spot as far as you can, read a long book without stopping or talking, 🤷‍♀️).