This week on Cargo

CN/011 — Oct 03 2017

Above: You can’t penetrate the surface of the world with a camera, a microscope or the naked eye — you just look. How you look is the thing. Flore Diamant’s pictures knowingly exist in this synapse — between us and things — and she looks across this divide with quiet grace.

In Use

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Outstanding works from Cargo Members


Helpful hints and solid suggestions

We heard your graphic designer wasn’t returning your calls. Fret Not! Just use the Image Gallery Layout Engine and you’ll have dynamic, pro layouts in no time at all. There are six layout modes, each of which can be adjusted at will, allowing for virtually unlimited permutations. Add as many Image Galleries as you want, each can be customized individually. Wow!


Our Instagram feed featuring prime output from Cargo members

Tanja Deman
Jean Foos
Paul Tebbott 
Jasmine Deporta


Choices incidental, uncalculated and correct

At some point, when feeling strong, you should consider going to a place without any people, to ingest a psychedelic substance.
