
NOV 30 2021

Belief and cynicism are two sides of the same coin. They seem like rivals but really are twin creatures of certainty. To believe is to genuinely feel that one knows. Whereas cynicism is to be convinced that nothing has meaning, so one can do whatever without consequence. Both are grotesqueries.  

Belief says things like: “Jesus is the one true God.”
Cynicism says things like: “I don’t have to outrun the bear; I just have to outrun you.”

Both are very corporate. Both are very results oriented. Both allow for slashing and burning. Both have a no nonsense countenance but hide a deep discomfort with the ambiguous nature of human life.

Our distaste for certainty got us thinking about what its opposite might be; the dictionary says it’s “doubt.” But we think curiosity is more apt. We are not thinking of curiosity here as a state of indecision but one of engagement — the way a scientist engages data or a poet engages language.

Sites in Use

To name one’s architecture practice after a woman known for helping her lover escape the Minotaur’s labyrinth by cleverly giving him yarn (and a sword), and suggesting that her action be considered paradigmatic, as it relates to building and design, is deeply beautiful. Such is the case with Paradigma Ariadné, a Budapest based architecture firm undertaking projects of intervention and collaboration. 🧶🐂

Protest Through Poetry

Tony Irvine

Luis Clavis

Graphic Design


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An offering of pieces and projects from around the web.

Hart Crane, Interior, 1919
Kévin Bray Exhibition at Future Gallery, 2021
Wainstop Enterprises, Wainstop Anvil Testing, 2021
Takuro Kuwata at Salon 94, 2021
Balenciaga, Fall/ Winter, 1994


At the beginning of each week, we draw a single Tarot card and consult the I Ching. The Tarot card represents the person (you, me, us). The I Ching reading speaks to the nature of the scenario that you, me, us will face throughout the week. Think of it as protagonist (tarot) and plot or theme (I Ching). It is our opinion that neither the I Ching nor the Tarot are tools of prediction, but rather a mechanism to aid in self reflection.
        Before reading further, we recommend you collect your thoughts regarding the state of affairs inside your head as well as what you are involved with externally. Take precise stock of your emotional temperature and your goals for the week. The more preparation and detail, the better the results. 

So, of both the Tarot and the I Ching, we asked the following: for the coming week, what is the best advice for the engaged and sincere person?

Petite Reading
        For those who are, or desire to be, on a noble path, avoiding relations where you are dragged into other people’s dramas or crises, is wise. The process of removing yourself from such toxicity is oft painful as venom and vitriol will most likely be slung your way. Keep in mind that a virtuous path by nature is long term so it is naturally invisible to those oscillating at narcissistic and frenetic frequencies. Keep your eye on the prize whilst remembering that there are no shortcuts to victory, you must work without haste or rest and that there is an appropriate time for all things. And as always… Look at the Luohan! Look to the Luohan!!

Complete Reading
        This week we pulled the Five of Swords. The suite of swords represents intellect and communication. Five cards indicate a full dominance and/or full submission. So, in combination, the Five of Swords points to a situation where one’s plans have dominated a situation but in a deceitful way — so gains will be short lived and empty. It is important to remember this basic truth: with cheating, a victory lacks the substance that make it an actual achievement.
        Our first hexagram this week is #46, Pushing Upward. With some regularity we encounter this hexagram. Along with #42 which contains the maxim: “to rule truly is to serve” — #46 is personally very meaningful to us (Cargo 😉). It contains the dictum: “wood in the earth grows upward without haste and without rest.” The full quote is: “Adapting itself to obstacles and bending around them, wood in the earth grows upward without haste and without rest. Thus too the superior person is devoted in character and never pauses in their progress.” Yes, that is the only way. There were two changes this week, of which the specific notes are: don’t worry until you have to (use success wisely) and discourage “blind impulse.”
        Our second hexagram, the one that suggests how best to meet the challenges (or the changes) is #4, Youthful Folly. Hahah! This hexagram contains another of our favorite aphorisms of the I Ching; which now makes a triad of wisdom: “the teacher must wait to be sought out instead of offering themself.” The rough paraphrase being: a teacher never seeks the student. Perhaps it’s subtle but it speaks to a few things very strongly, patience, timing, proportion, and the equation of true edification. (The seeker seeks; the teacher teaches.)