This week on Cargo

CN/022 — Dec 19 2017

all ya can do is do what you must

🎶 the world is ill-dividedall ya can do is do what you must 🎶 — These protest lyrics bubbled up when we were perusing Marc Vallée’s harsh but galvanizing site. We’ll only add: 🎶 you do what you must do and ya do it well 🎶


The latest tools, improvements and modifications

There are a lot of clever/talented people out there, and some of them use Cargo. We constantly add these sites to our In Use page — a gallery of the best sites using Cargo 2. Recently we've added some filtering options — now you can search by Template or Staff Pics.

In Use

Explore the best applications of the Cargo Platform.


Outstanding works from Cargo Members


Our Instagram feed featuring prime output from Cargo members

Lia Chaia
Rodan Tekle 
Barry W Hughes 


Helpful hints and solid suggestions

Does wanting more control over your vertical images make you a tyrant? No. No it doesn’t. When loading a vertically oriented image, part of it often sits “below the fold” and scrolling down is the only option — sometimes this is desired and sometimes it isn’t. Our Limit image height to viewport function ensures that images are never taller than the screen they’re being displayed on (the whole image is always visible).


Choices incidental, uncalculated and correct

Haim Steinbach’s technique of recontextualizing commercial goods within a new commercial setting — is akin to potting a tree in the middle of a forest or placing a fountain in the middle of a stream — his pieces radiate something like a Supernatural Consumerism ((((🌳⛲🛒👻))))