This week on Cargo

CN/007 — Sept 5 2017

Above: All is soft but clear on Graeme Swinton’s graceful site. Quiet, graphic meditations abound — Mr. Swinton even kindly volleys some textual insight into his process. A very tite if modest offering.

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Home Stacking

Hey pal! Tired of your Homepage being only one page? Fret no more, you can have a “Stacked Set” as your Homepage. Basically the idea is to put a bunch of individual pages in a Set and make that Set your Homepage. Ya? Simple. Combined with Pinned pages and a Thumbnail Index, this makes for virtually limitless layout possibilities.


Our Instagram feed featuring prime output from Cargo members


Choices incidental, uncalculated and correct

If “A” is actually “B” (!?) can it still be metaphor? This 1:1 conundrum is no conundrum at all for the likes of Mr. Bruce Baille. Metaphor/no-metaphor, interpretation/empiricism it’s all one thing to him — and lovingly so — a true brother of mercy.

All My Life, Bruce Baillie, 1966