This week on Cargo

CN/006 — Aug 29 2017

Above: Dynamic, spiked toothed energy coming from Lennarts & de Bruijn… As well — tight use of Neue Haas Grotesk. Proost!


The latest tools, improvements and modifications

New Template: Soft Sect

New Template: Any Crisis

In Use

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Outstanding works from Cargo Members


Helpful hints and solid suggestions

Add a Blog or Newsfeed

Did you know… “Stacking” a Set of pages is a great way to add a blog or a newsfeed to your site? Well it is! Stacking a Set will cause the pages inside that set to be displayed as a continuously scrolling vertical feed! Wait, what!? Yep. Simply add entries by adding pages to the Set. To Stack a Set, right-click the Set’s name. To link to a Stacked Set from your navigation, use the Internal Link menu. ;)


Our Instagram feed featuring prime output from Cargo members


Choices incidental, uncalculated and correct

Below, a lovely pair of vintage computer exercises —
something like humans helping computers appear as human.

“The Policeman’s Beard is Half Constructed: Computer Prose and Poetry by Racter”

— The First Book Ever Written by a Computer, 1984
In a half bright sky
An insect wraps and winds
A chain, a thread, a cable
Around the sphere of water.

From water and from time
A visage bounds and tumbles
I seek sleep and need repose
But miss the quiet movement
Of my dreams.

Night sky and fields of black
A flat cracked surface and a building
She reflects an image in a glass
She does not see, she does not watch.

Faces & Body Parts
By Fred Parke, University of Utah, 1974